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Civilian Benefits


Due to us being a public charity directed towards helping military members and their families, you are entitled to tax benefits for your generous donation of 1%! Military members aren't the only individuals who have it rough, we all do! With that being said, we would be remiss to not inform that you can help a family, while helping yours! 


​What We Do For You

Through your kind donation of 1%, you are entitled to a deduction of 50% of your adjusted annual gross income. We are well aware that if you donate to a military member, the satisfaction of helping a fellow American is enough. We just want you to be aware of all the possible ways you can assist yourself and help your family. To verify that your donation is of the highest form of legality, click here.

You may also go to the IRS website here, and search "Better Than Barracks" to verify not only your entitlement, but the safety of everyone involved!

Family Portrait

Steps To The Process

  1. When proposed the idea, you enthusiastically say yes!

  2. Close on the home and maintain your sanity.

  3. Go to the donate page here, and follow the simple instructions listed. (Make sure to verify the information given to you by the home buyer is 100% correct)

  4. The donation has been sent, and you will receive an official receipt for your safekeeping and tax purposes.

  5. Buy yourself some ice cream and wait on tax time. 

US Army
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